Obesity is good for economy

So couch potatoes, what are you buying today to increase the sales of your nearest Superstore, or trying to make it a Meager Store? Many people think that Obesity is not something good actually not at all good but who will go and explain them that it is more than good for the economy.

First of all, it is making the shopkeepers very rich or we can say superstores grow more superficially because as we know each and every fat fool who is reading this article is definitely having a packet of chips, soft drinks or chocolates of course. And why not, after all they are your first love. Do not think much guys, keep on its intake prominent in your life. Actually, you guys should be awarded for doing a brave work; you are making poor people rich (and your parents poor) and that is a good job.

An interview of a super store’s manager says that these couch potatoes are the ones who are serving us. Who are we to serve them? They are the ones as because of these people only their stores are running with a great income. Not only these super stores but also the fitness centers were benefitted because of these people. Fitness industry has grown up into a multibillion-dollar industry. They are making money in billions just because of these couch potatoes in the country.

Full article @ http://www.factincept.com/obesity-is-good-for-economy.htm

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