What one chooses to understand


In a forest, there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day he taught them to see God in all beings and knowing this, to bow low before them all.

A disciple went to the forest to gather wood for the sacrificial fire. Suddenly he heard an outcry, "Get out of the way! A mad elephant is coming!"

All but the disciple of the holy man took to their heels. He reasoned that the elephant was also God in another form. Then why should he run away from it?

He stood still, bowed before the animal, and began to sing its praises. The mahout of the elephant was shouting-

“Run away! Run away!” But the disciple didn't move.

The animal seized him with its trunk, cast him to one side, and went on its way.

Hurt and bruised, the disciple lay unconscious on the ground. Hearing what had happened, his teacher and his brother disciples came to him and carried him, to the hermitage. With the help of some medicine, he soon regained consciousness.

Someone asked him, "You know the elephant was coming-why didn't you leave the place?"

He said, "Our master has told us that God himself has taken all these forms, of animals as well as men. Therefore, thinking the same, I thought it was the elephant God that was coming, I didn't run away."

At this moment his master said-

Full article @ http://www.factincept.com/what-one-chooses-to-understand.htm

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