17 harmful effects of religion you can skip

“I am not against religions…I am in favor of intelligence.” ------- Raghvendra

Well! I do not know my present religious status… but one thing is certain that I am not a blind believer but also I am not an atheist…Ahaaan... It’s very tough to explain my complex relationship with Religion. Words said by Raghvendra suites me to some extent, as while examining religions I amazingly found all of them lagging in intelligence and affecting badly the planet earth. Here is my short list of 16 harmful effects of religions.

1. They all without any exception discourage rational thinking and critical thoughts.

2. Belief of an afterlife stops us from making most of this life.

3. Tens of thousands of innocent peoples has been tortured and killed in the name of religions and holy Fight, this is still in practice and terrorism of different kind is live example of it.

4. Mostly destructive Censorship on books, music, art, speech, poetry, films etc. Many great works of art has been destroyed by religious people marking them to be blasphemous.

To read visit http://factincept.com/harmful-effects-of-religion-you-can-skip.htm

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