Power of Thoughts

Thoughts are the second strongest power in our life next to the spirit. Our predominant thoughts influence our behavior and attitude and control our actions and reactions. As our thoughts are so are our lives.

This means that it is very important to be careful of the thoughts that we entertain. Thoughts are like a video cassette that we play in the VCR of our minds, well now days it is played through micro cards but I am using videocassette because it explains better. What we play is what we see. What we think is what we live.

To make changes it is necessary to eject the video cassette, and insert a new one that we like better. Then, after a while, our life will start reflecting our thoughts.

One single thought is not strong enough to cause a change, but if the same thought is repeated often, then each time we think it gains strength. Ultimately the subconscious mind accepts it and acts on it. The great thing about this process is that we don't need to strain or overexert ourselves. Everything changes in a most natural way.

Suppose you are shy in the company of people, and you want to get over it. If you force yourself to talk when in company, you might find it difficult. You might feel timid and awkward. You might find it hard to force yourself to talk, and if you do, you start to stammer. You might find it hard to get the attention of the people you want to talk.

You don't have to force yourself to talk when you daydream. It is quite easy then, as it is only in the mind. Practical daydreaming is actually using the power of thought. You can visualize being in the company of other people and conversing with them calmly and with ease. You can imagine how the words just flow from your mouth, and how everyone is paying complete attention to what you say.

It is quite possible to build in the mind a perfect scene of whatever you want to accomplish. You can put a lot of detail, color, sound, scent and life into the segmental scenes. If you repeat them often with faith and attention, the subconscious mind accepts them as real experiences. It does not differentiate between real and imaginary experiences, and accepts them both as real.

Full article http://www.factincept.com/power-of-thoughts.htm

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