Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening, Knowing the Signs

Perhaps among the more obvious signs of awakening is having a certain level of calmness. People who have awakened spirits have proven to be more focused in attaining their goals. They seem to have reached a degree of calmness where experiences, memories, events, issues, problems, and even desires are no longer causing confusion and interruptions. It’s as if every distraction has been set aside and stored away resulting in seeing a clear path, just like the song: "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind." And it’s as if the awakened person can too affirm that "it's going to be a bright, bright, sunshiny [life]," and made a choice to live as such.

Among the signs of spiritual awakening is having self control. When one reaches the level of spiritual enlightenment, they not only exercise free will but they know what bad habits need to be cast aside and choose only the right path based on proper wisdom and good judgment. They now have the awareness to know, not to entertain things that offer only temporary earthly pleasures since they often lead to suffering in the long run.

Humility and selfless love are other signs of an awakened spirit. Part of having an awakened spirit is the eagerness to learn, understand, and work for the well being of not only one's self but of others as well. Pride and arrogance are not really marks of a person with an awakened spirit. People with an awakened spirit, tend to live more in harmony with both nature and other people and they would bestow compassion and unconditional love equally on others regardless of race, nationality, culture, and the like.

Genuine happiness, having the right intuition and feelings of non-attachment are other signs of spiritual awakening. If you find any of these signs present in you when and after a session meditating, or an extra-ordinary experience it would be prudent to consider that you may have actually had an awakening experience.

What Spiritual Awakening Can Do For You

Aside from the self-transformation you get from having a spiritual awakening, there are a number of other benefits. Soul awakening and self-development leads to a balanced life. Eventually, the same balanced life will lead you to a happy and fulfilled life. This end result is awesome by itself but even the process can be quite a rewarding experience. What spiritual awakening can do for you is more than just the physical benefits. You might not see it now but when you reach that state of spiritual awakening, you'll be glad that you've gone through the whole process.

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