Rape: The Factors Behind

Since 16th Dec 2012, when a 23-year-old girl student was violently assaulted by a group of men, there has been lots of discussion, public protests, and demands for stringent law, justice and safety of women. Thousands of protesters and demonstrators with their slogans and placards took the streets across India to show their firm stand for the rape victim. Every next placard and politician of India is demanding a stringent law for this barbaric act. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon supported this demand and asked Indian government to form a revised stringent law as soon as possible. But, the question is, do Laws assure safety? Are Laws able to restrict such heinous crimes? History tells otherwise.
With every breath some girl is getting sexually assaulted somewhere in world. It is our old habit to blame Laws for our deeds for which we are only responsible. It can be summarized with lines of Benjamin Disraeli, who said-"When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken." (For more read "The Law Addiction"). Withal this, it is a fact that we have not landed at this juncture in a single night. In-fact it is the fruit of that tree we planted and cared since we started our claim of being civilised.

'New York times' published this incident under heading, "Rape in the World's Largest Democracy" and wrote that "rape of a young woman in New Delhi cast a cold light on how badly India treats its women." But it is not true that only India treats its women badly; rather the situation in all countries in regarding to this act is same. America itself ranks among top ten countries, where 1 out of every 6 women had fallen as victim of sexual assault. It is not the problem of one or two country, rather it became as a cancer for whole humanity, and till we don’t start assessing it wholly, we will not find any solution. Whenever I saw people addressing this issue they pick only one edge, like psychologist try to find cause from psychological point of view (emotional defects, personality disorders etc), and sociologist tries from sociological (sexual permissiveness, expression of gender inequality etc). Some people blame law, government and some say, men are responsible while some blame girls themselves are only responsible for this. But all fail to conclude it to one fact because there is a web of factors inter linked with each other. In every incident some 'Psycho-bio-socio factors' are involved. Now time has come to find the root cause and to decimate, as it is the only crime in which the victim becomes the accused.

Rape is one of the most heinous crimes defined in criminal law (of every country), in which a person is assaulted sexually by one or more person. The act can be done by force or by abuse of authority with a less capable person, whether that person is in conscious state or in an unconscious state. But in depth rape is not only about sex. It's about wanting to hurt someone (sadism), about dominance or lust for power (sadism) over some one. In any incident, it is one of the key factors, and no one can deny as sadism is born instinct of men. Sadism doesn’t strikes a person all of a sudden. It has a long history in childhood and always originates in the desperate fantasies of a child.

When this crosses the boundary and become a sexual disorder then rape takes place. Remember, so many times rape can happen in legal and consent sex also, but the only difference that it cannot be claimed.

Rape is only possible when certain conditions get fulfilled. It can be compared with fire which only exists when some criterion gets fulfilled. In rape; no doubt that men are responsible, but girls too are also responsible as being one of the condition. In this crime are they are the provocative element, and provocation is subjective which vary from man to man. They must decide themselves how to avoid being a cause of provocation. To avoid any possible theft we lock our precious things in a locker. Similarly, a precautionary measure must be taken to avoid rape. You cannot change behaviour of every other person, but by correct precautions you can definitely avoid the crime. Rape is a side product of liberal and free living society. If an alien come on a visit, the first thing it will observe that the whole planet is obsessed with sex. Therefore for such a situation someone has suggested very truly that "You save yourself or you remain unsaved."

When the factors of a problem are interlinked in the form of web then solution too has to be the same. Strict laws and fear will definitely play a role in controlling this, but up to a very minimal level. Then fight with biological instinct is the most important aspect. The only thing we can do is to change ourselves, our mentalities and our social stigmas. Being a part of society, sociological factors too are in our hands, as roots of this crime are deep down in whole system of society. Teach your children the importance of moral values in life. Whether it's a girl or a boy she/he should be able to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong. Later, dust will settle down and screams of that girl will dissolve somewhere in atmosphere. Neither, we will mend ourselves nor will rape stop.

And we will simply conclude this in words of Jessica Valenti that,
"Now, should we treat women as independent agents, responsible for themselves? Of course. But being responsible has nothing to do with being raped. Women don’t get raped because they were drinking or took drugs. Women do not get raped because they weren’t careful enough. Women get raped because someone raped them."

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