FactIncept (Flame up the Ideas, Incept the Facts)

 A 5 rupee hike in diesel and maximum 6 cylinder restriction on LPG for household purpose fuelled political reactions. Number of political leaders said number of things. Let's take a brief look who said what.

Sushma Swaraj, BJP: - The massive loot which government has done in coal has been passed to citizens of country to makeover loss. This government got elected in the name of common man, but its strange policies have been a pain to the country.

Oommen Chandy, Kerala Chief Minister and leader of Congress-led UDF: - The hike in the price could have been avoided by Centre, but now a complete roll back is difficult. Though, hike can be reduced.

Lalu Prasad Yadav, Rashtriya Janata Dal Chief: - This will lead to destruction. This will affect people and specially farmers adversely, as drought conditions are everywhere. I am against it and will fight for a roll back. I am tired of talks.

Manish Tewari, Congress Spokesperson: - We are not happy at all to take a decision like this. But we were left by no other options due to worsening international conditions. There is hike in import price. The challenges and conditions have to be kept into consideration. We have tried that people and economic conditions should not be affected. We will make people understand the proper logistic behind it. Politics cannot be done everywhere therefore I ask opposition parties to understand the situation.

Shiela Dixit, Delhi Chief Minister and Congress minister: - To make out balance this was a necessary move and we have to stand by it. The cheapest diesel is available in Delhi and further if anything is possible, we will do. Six cylinders are enough for any average family. The wages of people are also on rise and there is connection between price rise and wage.

Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission: - I am glad on the decision and it is a welcome move towards the deregulation of petrol and diesel prices. It's not right to relate inflation with price rise of commodity.

Naveen Patnaik, Odhisa Chief Minister: - It will affect everyone, especially poor. Transportation cost will also increase thereby increasing inflation. We demand an immediate roll back.

Mamata Banerjee, West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress Chief: - We cannot compromise issue's relating people of this country. I am shocked and surprised and want an immediate roll back. Enough is enough.

J Jayalalithaa, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and AIADMK chief: - Centre must immediately roll back the hike if they care about people. They are betraying the poor people.

Digvijay Singh, Congress General Secretary: - The best decision has been taken by the government keeping all the views in mind. Though, we were not in favour of hike in diesel prices to an extent where it hurt farmers and common man.

Shahnawaj Hussain, BJP Leader: - Now the government must be ready to take sharp reactions from BJP. Today there are drought conditions and farmers would be troubled by the hike. Government can cut down its unnecessary expenses. Those ministers who move around in cars with red beacons utilize diesel only, those cost should be cut down but the government is not doing that.

Akhilesh Yadav, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Samajwadi Party leader: - Decision ill timed and will heart common man.

Kamal Farooqi, Samajwadi Party leader: - Seems a poltical decision than an economic one. We will demand a rollback.

M Karunanidhi, DMK Chief: - We demand an immediate rollback.

Similarly, every other politician gave statements against the government who are in opposition, while those who are within the government supported it. This was the steepest hike ever in the diesel. Politicians have done their lip service as expected. Now the problem with the lip service is that it seems jarring now. After every decision which hits common citizen or after any incident we get jaded statements from our politicians following inactions only. The most they will do, they will call ‘Bharat-Band’ (national shutdown). Following the hike All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) increased freight charges across the country by 15 percent. This will further add to the already inflated food inflation which is in double digits for quite a long time now. Inflation not only makes holes in pocket but it also swells anarchy. Relation can be indirect but could be drawn with help of simple logic. More is the inflation, means more is the pressure to increase income which does not goes up and down with inflation. And due to increasing unemployment youth is unable to cope up with the pressure to live a happy and luxurious life. Therefore, to fulfill their wishes they choose the road which leads to anarchy. But no one talks about this aspect.

The government supports its decisions by flaunting logistic calculations showing loss and worsening international conditions. By the same logic government's policy paralysis can also be argued on which they will never agree. The governance has been so bad that they were not able to stop the degradation of Rupee and economic conditions. Without going deep in economics we will only mention two political promises, which has been most irrelevant and illogical. Rest we leave to our intellectual readers to understand and draw the conclusion because enough has been said and written about it.

Government always harp upon subsidy burden and deficit which currently served as one of the cause which has brought down the country’s economy under extreme pressure. But on the other hand they failed to find out an innovative solution rather than passing the buck. They never stop themselves in distributing money in one form to other when the question of winning an election comes. Last state election in U.P. Samajwadi Party made the most irrelevant promises. When they made announcements of distributing laptops and i-pads to school students and 24 hour free electricity to farmers, they never thought about the burden on state funds which U.P. has got. Infact, later Mulayam Singh went begging to Centre to provide fund of Rs 97,000 crore. He got half of that but in lieu of support to the Central Government. Is it not the waste of money which could have utilized in a more constructive way? And how irrelevant were the promises when everyone knows that state do not even have enough electricity to provide in cities, forget about villages. And about laptops, we know how much corruption will take place in the name of distribution. Crores of money will flow in wrong direction and corrupt officials will make most out of it.

Similarly, before Gujarat state election Congress has gone Samajwadi way. Rahul Gandhi made a similar announcement of distributing laptops. When it comes to winning elections, the entire deficit goes away, but when it comes in innovating methods to boost economy, logistics come to haunt the government.

Elections are coming, huge funds involvement is required. Funds come from corporate world, and the steep hike will definitely help them to raise money. We have seen the rise in share price of oil firms just after the decision was made. Accusation cannot be direct, but enough is said to get the idea behind it. Call it an ill-faith or call it a matter of time, but inspite of such atrocious decision making and hitting out common and poor man with such intensity, the same government will come back in power, if not tomorrow than day after tomorrow and the common and poor man will always be there in the same state to bear the burden.

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