Judging Your Thoughts

FactIncept (Flame up the Ideas, Incept the Facts)

"Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find that as he alters his thoughts toward things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him."

'Someone said it; as he felt it, you too will feel the same if you have started monitoring your thoughts.'

Judging Thoughts

After monitoring some of your thoughts, you will definitely agree with above said lines without any doubt. If you have monitored your thoughts, even for once, you must have come to know that how much and what type of thoughts generates in mind. Now, going with the above quotation, it says to alter. But, why to alter any thought and moreover, which are those thoughts needs to be altered? As discussed in last article 'Monitoring Your Thoughts', there are countless thoughts  generating simultaneously, mixture of good and bad thoughts, useful and worthless thoughts, fresh and stale thoughts. So now first thing a person can do with his thoughts is, 'Judging of thoughts' and categorizing them in different groups. Only after that, anyone can decide which thought need to be altered or need to be controlled.

Judging of thoughts is not an easy task to perform, as you step-in in the world of thoughts, you will find yourself trapped in a maze, wandering alone and puzzled. Understand one fact closely associated with thoughts; for a common man it is not easy to differentiate between, what he is in real and what his thoughts has made him. Generally, thoughts create a pseudo aura and you take it as your real identity. In simple language, your thought in form of ego, to save its existence, comes in between when you get a glimpse that your thought is wrong or your thought is not meaningful. Therefore, there is always a fine chance to get biased to safeguard comfort (ego), as it challenges your existence. Remember, what you are today and where you are today is because of your thoughts in past and also, as discussed in article 'Monitoring Your Thoughts', our thoughts has always destined us, so what our future will be, it depends upon our today’s thought. One thing is clear, that thoughts are interlinked, so to stand tomorrow on a brighter place it’s necessary to study thoughts.

'Quality of judging' has always been respected and people who were good at this, has marked their name in history. There are so many stories of kings and people who were good at judgment like King Solomon, King Vikrmaditya etc. Good judgement requires determination, and as discussed in the above paragraph, the facts associated with thoughts, judging self- thoughts require great determination.

What is judgment? Without having a clear concept of judgement and trying to judge is like going somewhere without knowing where to go or searching a treasure without map. Judgment can be defined as, the process of forming an opinion, based on evaluation and comparison and both evaluation and comparison must be unbiased. Remember the picture that is used to depict the judgment, it is a weighing scale,
and to make a good judgment you must balance it from both sides. In case of judging thoughts, it is not the matter of good or bad thoughts but it is the matter of useful and useless thoughts.

Now, implementing this simple concept of balancing scale in our thought process, what is required is selection of a thought without any condition and write that on a page where nothing else is written, keeping other thoughts away and give few minutes to those written lines. Think at every word from all possible angles; think, whether it is worthy at all or it is worthless; think, if it is going to affect you at any level or not; think, any possible relation with you and your future. Think that whether that thought will bring you down or build you up.

Keep balancing the reality that 'thought', for its survival will bias you to view its worth, but you must keep on questioning that 'thought'. At every next level whatever that 'thought' tells you, in reverse you must question that. Relate that with past experiences when you followed that type of 'thought' and try to remember the result. Try to find the use of that thought to lift you and your spirit up, try to find the use of that thought to lift society and humanity. Ask the before mentioned lines to yourself, keeping that thought written page in front of you. Exercise this for few days and you will find, very soon you will realize that you are habitual of this process and you can follow it without writing.  And finally you will reach a stage where you can make instant judgment without delay, the moment thought generated in your mind.

Do not forget that thoughts are alien to our true nature. The world, the people, our past, our future everything around us, all produce thoughts. So monitoring and judging of thoughts must be practiced carefully. Whenever thoughts do occur, turn your attention towards it, of course, it is difficult to practice. But practice is the only way to get rid of the world of thoughts.

How beautifully someone has expressed his experience that, "Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment. I have had many experiences. All of which have made me who I am today."

(Factincept Networks)

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