Rape: Psychology behind the statements

Rape India
January 21, 2013 || "Rapes happen because men and women interact freely", Mamata Banerjee (WB Chief Minister).

"Delhi Gang-rape Victim as Guilty as Her Rapists", Asaram Bapu (renowned god man in India).

"Rapes happen in India, not Bharat", Mohan Bhagwat (RSS chief), Samajwadi Party's Abu Azmi agrees with RSS Mohan Bhagwat on rape, blames women.

"Girls should not dance at weddings, ban cell phones for unmarried girls and marry off girls at early age to check rape cases." Khaps Panchayat.

"Fast food, cinema and cultural changes responsible for growing rape incidences", Khap leader.

Sharad Yadav , leader of Janata Dal (U) backs Khaps, says it's rightly defending women.

These are the comments, suggestions and ideas of Indian social leaders (representatives) after the gruesome rape case of Delhi. All the above lines are taken from Indian news media where these statements bought too much time through discussions. Every statement got mixed reaction from various leaders. But the facts behind those reactions were more political than social. It is not the first time when women had been blamed for being women. India, a country which claims to give the highest place to women, has found itself faltering at its own claim.

In article "Rape: The Factors Behind", we mentioned that, "it is the only crime in which the victim becomes the accused." And all the above statements said by the leaders are a prime example of case where victim became accused. The real factors behind this heinous crime never get addressed. Offering lip service is one of the most irresponsible things to do, and the solutions offered, reflects patriarchy behind it. The problem has become too complex to solve, by just some lip service or sympathetic gesture.

Why rape cases are found more in India?

The reason behind it is, because not less cases were found in Bharat. Rather, the reason lies with the awareness of right. If a girl is being raped in India she knows her right to fight against the assault she got, by outing criminals behind bars, but in Bharat most of the cases were suppressed by family members in the name of honor. Turn the pages of history, when only Bharat existed on world map. You will find a black history with number of cases, including the cases which never came out. This is what we called as Golden Past.

History of humanity is full of suppression and domination of women. They are weak, because we with conspiracy made them weak. And now when they are trying to take their position back, there is a kind of unrest, pinching men.
Khap panchayt’s existence is only political not social. As every sin comes in dress of virtue, they in the name of defending culture, do vicious works. A group of men, who never even tried to understand philosophy of life and psychology of women, are scripting the fate of women. These men have separated themselves from the developing world, and are not bothering even to walk behind it. They are the living example of ‘cultural lag’. Every now and then, they attack rights of women, and on the other side politicians support them. They must come out of this sick mentality and think in a radicalized manner.
There were no end in the sad story of statements and one more so called scholar, who is also the general secretary of All India Sunni Jam-Iyyathul Ulemahas, has strongly demanded the top place in this list by stating,

"The demand for male-female equality is against nature”.  A P Aboobacker Musaliyar (Sunni scholar).

With his statement, though, he could not make it clear that, what nature want from us? But, his intentions and wish is crystal clear.

For nature we are only some natural creature. Yes! Our body anatomy is defined by nature, but not the social status. Some natural responsibilities are defined by nature, but not the social responsibilities. Men and women can be discriminated on the biological ground but separation on the social ground is not pre-defined. There are no norms and guidelines from nature on the responsibilities of men and women. Our ancestors defined it on compulsion of some condition of that time. But, now when development has abolished many of those compulsive elements, still expecting and imposing same old thesis is a sign of ill-mentality. It is true that women are the provoking element, but it is not their fault. In an assault women share only 5% of the responsibility. But, the rest 95% is whose responsibility? No one questions. It is a curse on women to live in a patriarchal society. Nature has blessed them of being receptive and the same gift has become punishment for them.
Yes! Demand for male-female equality is totally absurd; because there is no need of demand.They are equal since the evolution of life on earth. Here, the matter is of giving respect for what they are giving right of being women.

The roots of most social evil can be derived from religions, thus all religious fundamentalists are together on fundamental issues like women's rights. Religion which is the master book of sexual repression is more responsible than women, for the rape cases. In the end, I would like to remind every mind of those bodies, who are reading this article that,
"Women do not get raped because they weren’t careful enough. Women get raped because someone raped them."

Suggested reading: "Rape: The Factors Behind"

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