Indian politics is in its biggest turmoil!!!

confused indian
Political leaders like Gandhi and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose united the whole India to achieve a goal of 'Independence' from the rule of British. Whole India stand united and followed Gandhi who set his goal straight forward without any ifs and buts. There was no hidden agenda, no conspiracy and no vested interests, who could have divided people. And finally we achieved our Independence on August 15, 1947 with support of full scale Indian citizen support.
In 1975, when Allahabad High Court found Indira Gandhi violating electoral laws, Jayprakash Narayan called for resignation of Indira Gandhi, the then prime minister, and advocated a social program demanding her resignation which he named 'Sampoorna Kranti'. Instead she imposed national emergency on the midnight of 25th June. Narayan also asked military and police to disregard unconstitutional and immoral orders but he and his supporters including all the various politicians were put into jail who were against Indira Gandhi. Later emergency was lifted on January 18, 1977 and elections were announced, but Narayan united all anti-congress parties and politicians launching an anti-congress movement and was able to vote out congress in elections to form first non-congress government. Again in this movement there is no hidden agenda, no conspiracy and the aim was crystal clear that we need to form an anti-congress government, therefore nationwide support was available without hesitation.
June 05, 2011 a proven social activist Anna Hazare sits on fast at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi as part of his anti-corruption movement demanding Jan-Lokpal bill. He grabbed nationwide attention and support, as the demand and agitation was easily understood by everyone and they saw a leader in Anna Hazare who can stand out with firm conviction against corrupt government. He successfully forced government to accept their version of Jan Lokpal bill and discuss it in a joint committee in which there will be 50% members from side of Anna Hazare's team. Then came Baba Ramdev who began agitation on June 04, 2011 at Ramlila Ground New Delhi. Support of Baba Ramdev was unsure as he is a yoga Guru, therefore his yoga followers followed his fast, rather than general public. Erring strategy and bad planning manufactured a devastating end for this agitation and after when police ran onto the agitators Ramdev flee from Ramlila and were found back in Haridwar in women costumes. He made a mockery of himself and the said movement.
Though, on the other hand Anna Hazare and his team were gearing up for something big. Rejection of their draft bill and irresponsiveness of government helped them to build a big mass movement. He called for an indefinite fast from 16 August, 2011 at Ramlila ground. This time government made strategical mistakes and arrested Anna Hazare which provoked thousands of people to show anger against government on his arrest, and the government forced to revert its decision. Anna Hazare went to Ramlila ground building a huge anti-corruption movement for introduction and acceptance of their Lokpal version, polarizing political parties and catching imagination of world. He emerged out as a strong leader against corruption. He got unprecedented support because his demand was crystal clear and the goal can be visualized by people. Later on many occasions Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare were seen together sharing stage.
But then came downfall. When people were uniting on a single issue of corruption joining hands and showing their support, Team Anna faltered on every single step. Within the team unity and consistency was missing. People were confused by different statements made by their team members on certain issues. For example, statements made on Kashmir issue were the most controversial as given my Prashant Bhusan. He also got thrashed by a certain group of people on his statements. Similarly on political ground different statements were given by different members showing leniency towards a political party and going hard on other. The last hole dug by themselves in the already dented movement when Arvind Kejriwal announced that they are going political during their latest fast started from 29th July, 2012 which was termed as flop. Why? Because their demands were changed, their goal was changed. They were demanding SIT (Special Investigating Team) probe on government's 15 sitting ministers and left their demand of Jan Lokpal somewhere. People were confused and lost hope in the team, therefore they kept themselves away from the fast. If this was not enough, than later news came that Anna Hazare disbanded his team. Everything was lost and nothing was gained. Whatever they have gained they just let it go. They lost their support, they lost their credibility and they lost their goal. And if whatever they have for themselves was hammered by Baba Ramdev who sat on fast on August 11, 2012 demanding Lokpal and action against black money, besides his closest Acharya Balkrishna was arrested by CBI on fake passport case. But it was evident that he was fighting an ego battle from Anna Hazare and his team in which he succeeded. He showed up the numbers which he has behind him in support.
Many comparisons were drawn between these movements during the agitation. By portraying two movements at the start of this article we tried to show that in politics if there is one single goal and one dedicated leader who can influence people and make them understand what he want to achieve and what benefit people will get, then he can unite everyone on political ground as well as social background also. Both above movements had similarity of having a clear goal which anyone can visualize. Therefore, the end result for both the movements was successful.
Now, ongoing anti-corruption movement has created a division among masses rather than uniting them. Anna Hazare and Ramdev who tried to become a leader in fighting against corruption, confused people whom to follow and whom to not. Who will make us to achieve something against corruption and who will not? And recent activities of Arvind Kejriwal in which he called to protest in front of politician’s house of all political parties, shows that he now have nothing left to do. Public who still supported them, are distancing themselves from them continuously. Even Kiran Bedi, member of team Anna kept herself away, provoking Kejriwal to say that she is soft on BJP (Bhartiya Janta Party) leaving Kiran Bedi fuming.
Till now including independence revolution whenever country had faced any political and social upheaval, common people has come up with best the available option. All movements have put up strong options in front of voters. This time also country is in phase of adopting change but situation is not same as earlier times. This time public is confused to opt any. The option they thought to be the best, are fighting within themselves. Options they thought strong turned out to be hollow. Whether it is congress or BJP, team Anna or Baba Ramdev none of them were able to put a hard claim to become a perfect option. In spite of too much noise and uproar in media across the country nothing seems to have been achieved. Is country is in greatest turmoil after independence with no option available?


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