Blessed are the pure in heart

"Purity of speech, of the mind, of the senses, and of a compassionate heart is needed by one who desires to rise to the divine platform." ----- (Chanakya)

Every spiritual master and spiritual teaching has stressed on purity. It is must fulfilled condition for the seeker on the path of spirituality. This condition cannot be compromised. From there it can be concluded that there cannot be any form of spiritual life without purity in some form or the other. Spirituality not only seeks the purity of mind, spirituality talks about totality thus for being pure means pure from human being from both mind and body. For spirituality soul is pure but we have forgot its true nature, and realizing this true means realization of God as he is pure and our soul is non-dual part of him.

'Jesus' has said that blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Once Swami Vivekananda was asked by his western disciples whether he had exercised some yogic power while uttering the now famous words, 'Sisters and Brothers of America', at the inaugural session of the Parliament of Religions which had such a mesmerizing effect upon the seven thousand strong audience. Swami Vivekananda replied that, it was the power of purity.

Purity (both external and internal) is not only important for the spiritual seekers, rather its importance in our daily life too. This has been proved with development of science and medical field. Most of diseases are direct or indirect result of uncleanliness, and unhygienic practices. Amazingly, recent research in psychology and neuroscience has revealed that memory related disorders are results of impure thoughts. For good memory one has to isolate his senses from unnecessary thoughts. Researchers have found that, thinking evil things secretes poisonous chemical in mind and kills the cell responsible for good memory. But for spiritual seekers its importance is limitless. Where, for common people external purity matters; for spiritual seekers internal purity or purity of mind is of utmost importance. However, there can be various meanings of mental purity. In the broadest sense, impurity of can be, all worldly thoughts related to love and hatred, likes and dislikes, desires, passions and sense-attraction etc.

God in every tradition has been considered as supreme form of purity. Divinity is often considered as purity. Spirituality says that to realize such purity one has to rise up to some level of purity. To love God we need pure heart as, love cannot come from an impure heart. Our soul is shadow of his purity so if one could realize true nature of soul, he can easily realize the Supreme. This is the factor why every master worries about purity of disciple. An ancient story says that....

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