Meditation and Your Spiritual Awakening

Meditation is often visualized as an Eastern tradition where the participant sits in a circle surrounded by candles, saying mantras or humming. Currently, meditation and its benefits are recognized and are far from what we previously envisioned. Aside from the calming effects that meditation could bring, meditations are often said to be a path to awaken the spirit and start the journey towards spiritual awakening.

Meditation is used to calm the mind and relax the body. Tension, stress and anxiety can be relieved by performing simple meditation techniques. Aside from the inner peace that meditation brings, it can also improve the body’s total and general health. It is also a great way of improving your concentration. There are studies that show a connection between meditation and the improved performances of athletic and sport professionals.

Health benefits of meditation include better circulation, deeper level of relaxation, increase in exercise tolerance among heart patients, regularizing blood pressure, reduction of anxiety attacks and muscle tension, relief with allergies and arthritis, and significant improvement in those recovering from surgery.

Working in the city and a highly stressful environment can take a toll on the mind and body. Meditation is about listening to the inner-self, therefore it has something to do with controlling your attention and focus. There are too many distractions these days such that it is very hard for some to focus their attention on what is important. Destructive thinking and behavior brought about by overly materialistic and fast-paced world can be flushed away by focusing more on spirituality. In this regard, meditation can be of help.

Having daily meditation not only can help relieve stress it can in the long run lead to finding your true self and determining your real potential.

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