How Buddha became Lord Buddha?

Buddha was a pleasure loving young prince in a luxurious palace. It was air-conditioned with perfumed winds fanned through cool fountains, to banish the heat of summer from those delightful halls. He never thought about the nature of life; he merely enjoyed all the pleasures through his senses that life can offer, day after day, throughout his youth.

His father, remembering the astrologers prediction that his son would either become a world ruler or a great spiritual master, tried to keep him from knowing the existence of sorrow; he never let him leave those pleasure-charmed confines of the palace.

However, one day Lord Buddha left the palace without telling his father, and drove into the town in his chariot. On the way he passed an old man, bent double, toothless, hobbling along on his cane.

Buddha asked his charioteer what this was. The charioteer answered,

"That is an old man, my Lord."

Buddha, "Will I also become like this?"

Charioteer, "Yes, Master, old age comes to all people."

Soon he passed a diseased man and later a corpse and was told in each case that all these conditions would one day come to him. In addition to all these, there was lot of inhumane things going around in his dynasty.

Finally, Buddha met a monk who had renounced all the attachments of the world, and then he realized that this was his path, and he must leave the illusory and short-lived sensory pleasures of this youth and journey along the difficult road to Truth.

He left his family, his wealth, his kingdom, and set forth alone, without any possessions, to become ultimately, the ‘Enlightened’ one - 'Lord Buddha.'

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