The Cycle trail


Any innovative idea can make things easy to do, which with conventional thinking are almost impossible. New Zealand is one country which has been known for its legendary natural beauty. Country banks on its tourism which contributes $15 billion to its GDP and every year 2.4 million international tourists visit the country. With so much to offer in tourism for such a small country and handle tourists in big number, it is expected that there has to be some adverse effects on its natural beauty. But, New Zealand government very seriously does not want to fall within those countries, who are not able to control emission of greenhouse gases at all. By eco-friendly promotions New Zealand government has not only decided to preserve their natural beauty, but with that they have also decided to provide more charismatic scenic beauty and adventure to their citizens and tourists.

In 2009 New Zealand government approved $50 million for a three year project known as 'The New Zealand Cycle Trail'. To promote cycling throughout country, proposals were being invited from local authorities and communities from all over the country. The results were in front of everyone by the end of 2012, when 10 out of planned 20 trails got opened to riders.  And the number of international cyclist in New Zealand got doubled since 2008.

New Zealand has long been a country where cycle enthusiasts go for recreational cycling. The renowned 71km 'Queen Charlotte Track' which passes through the Marlborough Sounds at the top of the South Island is a classic example of the cycling history in New Zealand. Now with new tracks, the already established 2,340km network trail will add to its glory. According to the plan, the newly constructed trail will pass through the most remote and interesting corners of the country, enabling cyclists to visit fascinating historic, cultural sites and embracing the natural beauty.

With the adoption of the most efficient and greener way of transportation and adventure tourism, New Zealand has set a prime example in front of the world. The top five greenhouse gas emitters with China being on top, followed by United States, European Union, India and Russia can learn a lesson from New Zealand that how to promote a greener and efficient way of transportation.

Cycling is not only about sight-seeing and adventure sports. It is also a very healthy and efficient way of transportation. According to Bureau of US census, only 0.6% Americans rides a bike to work. By serious promotions, these figures can definitely improve. Riding a bike requires no gas, which prevents emission of greenhouse gases. Simultaneously, frequent riding will not only save money but will also make you fit. There are numerous direct and indirect benefits of riding a bike. Some which are-

>> 10km of cycling each way to work, saves 1.3 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year.

>> It cuts down on the number of vehicles on the road which will definitely avoid congestion.

>> Since fewer vehicles will sit idling in traffic, which will decrease the time spend by remaining cars on road, thus reducing emissions.

>> The way bikes are being built is very simple. Due to its simplicity it produces far less emissions than a motor bike. More components means more metal processing, therefore more emissions produced.

>> Metals used in a bike are far lesser than a car or motor bike, which are mined from earth affecting adversely on nature. Therefore, deforestation and devastation of landscapes will be decreased.

>> Bikes need very less space to park, compared to car. Therefore, with fewer cars on road, demand of broader roads and parking area will decrease, thus decreasing paved surfaces. The area around paved surfaces are always few degrees hotter than the unpaved area, therefore, with lesser unpaved surface the 'heat island effect' can be avoided.

These are the few environmental benefits of cycling. Besides these, there are many health benefits of cycling. Few of them are -

>> Cycling burns extra calories.

>> Cycling builds stamina.

>> Cycling improves cardio-vascular fitness.

>> Cycling is a very good exercise for heart.

>> Cycling reduces stress.

Many countries have pledged to decrease carbon emissions in coming years. US is one of such countries which has registered 17% fall in carbon emissions, and eyes an overall 28% reduction till 2020. But most countries have no proper plans to control emissions. Esp. third world countries like India, which in the name of development are exploiting their natural resources in the worst way possible.

The current example of Australia, where abrupt weather conditions caused extreme wildlife fires and temperatures in various cities soared to record high level. These all are due to extensive exploitation of natural resources. Also, it is expected that in Australia due to air pollution around 200 early deaths occur, about 4,500 cases of bronchitis, cardiovascular and respiratory disease occur, costing about $3.8 billion.

"We cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them", Albert Einstein.

Today world is suffering with a 'Global Illness' caused by two factors, first is illness of nature and second, health issues related to human being. Global warming is a consequence of exploitation of flora and fauna and human illness is due to current way of living (busy life with no work out, stress, depression, gadgets etc.). But if New Zealand model can be followed and promoted by other countries of world wherever feasible, than not only Mother Nature can be saved but also human will help themselves only.

In a message to his countrymen Prime Minister and Minister of tourism has said that, 'I encourage you and your family to make the most of these cycling trails which are designed and made to make sure you have lots of fun.'

In a similar way, wherever you are, you can start cycling today nearby your place and have fun. You may not have the best views to pleasure yourself, but this way you will definitely encourage others to opt the same.

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