Britain taking on against Alcohol

Factincept - Flame up the Ideas, Incept the Facts


Britain has taken the fight against alcohol to next level. According to an ambitious plan by government, Britain is all set to shed a billion units of alcohol. UK's alcohol industry including the major companies like Carlsberg, Heineken and Diageo has decided to follow up the government's plan by opting various ways.

They have decided to reduce percentage of alcohol content in their drinks and providing wider variety of choices for customers. They have also decided that they will market and encourage customers to go for a lower unit package, which can maintain recommended levels of alcohol intake.

Results are evident in Britain as 40% fall in alcoholic drinks is registered around UK in 2011. People are shifting towards a lower alcohol percentage drink or non-alcoholic drink.

UK's health report states that about 10 million British people consume more than the recommended limits of alcohol. This leads to higher health risk.

Health risks due to alcohol consumption are well known. Let’s have brief look at major health risks posed by alcohol-

>> Heavy drinking can cause anemia due to loss in red-blood cells.

>> Habitual intake of alcohol increases risk of cancer, which rises if a person also consumes tobacco.

>> Heavy drinking also leads to hear attack.

>> Continuous intake of alcohol leads to Cirrhosis, which is a condition in which liver gets permanently damaged and non-functional.

>> With age drinkers develop Dementia.

>> Heavy drinking also leads to depression, Epilepsy and Nerve damage.

>> Alcohol also plays role in worsening of Gout, a very painful condition of joints.

>> Immune system is suppressed by heavy drinking, which leads to ill-health.

In 2012, there were 1.2 million patients who were admitted to hospitals with cases related to alcohol. UK's State for Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said, "Misuse of Alcohol is one of the biggest health problems Britain is facing."

It is also decided that an ad campaign will be started; highlighting that regular intake of two large glass of wine or two strong pints of beer per day triples the risk of mouth cancer and doubles the risk of high blood pressure.

Companies are targeting double the sales of lighter alcoholic wine. UK's largest brewer, Molson Coors had pledged to remove 50 million units by the end of 2015. Similarly, Heineken has decided to remove 100 million units. Tesco, the largest seller of low alcoholic drinks will further reduce its alcohol content expanding its range of lower alcoholic drinks.

Worldwide, excessive drinking leads to 2.5 million deaths which amount to 3.8% of all types of death, according to 2004 WHO report.

Globally, 6.2% of all male deaths are related to alcohol, compared to 1.1% of female deaths. Around 3.2 lakh young people aged 15-29 years die annually from alcohol-related causes, resulting in 9% of all deaths in that age group.

According to, the lower-risk alcohol guidelines, men should not regularly drink more than three to four units a day and women should not regularly drink more than two to three units a day. Regular and heavy drinking on just one or two days a week can also be harmful to your health in the long term.

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