Know your body

'Hey Michael!!! look at him, he eats so much almost twice as of us , but still he do not gain any extra fat. Why so?'

'Aditya I want to gain weight, what extra can I do except eating, as already I am eating extra without any gain.'

Yes of course we wonder about these things. I think at some stage of our life, all of us know that a person who eats a lot, can still remain lean and thin, or, a person who is getting fatter day by day by eat the same food as you eat. The question is why?

The human body is a result of two complex phenomena, the first is the basic structure of the body which comprises of bones, muscles, glands, organs etc. and the second is the metabolic reactions (process by which body converts what we eat and drink into energy). It's essential to maintain and modify the former.

The basic body pattern both structure and metabolism is laid genetically in the embryo, and the other factor which modifies it later, is proper nutrition after birth.

According to shape human body is of 3 types:-

(1) Ectomorph

(2) Endomorph

(3) Mesomorph

Endomorph -


This type of body is round and small to medium with bony frame work. These people have slow metabolic rate and are typically short and stocky and have a hard time loosing weight. Due to slow metabolism the food is utilised slowly and get stored in form of fat.


Endomorphs are known to do very well, when their daily activities are coupled with cardio training and proper diet. The answer is simple, you guys have to spend more calories than you take and follow a proper diet.

To get a good shape-

Limit your carbohydrate intake to only after training, rest of the day eat as low carbs as possible. Have a high protein and low fat meal. Intake of omega 3 fatty acid is richly present in fish or fish liver oil which also helps in fat loss but it has to be coupled with training and low fat meal.

Ectomorph –


In this type, the body construction is small bony frame, typically having small shoulder, low muscle mass, flat chest. Due to high metabolic rate, these people do not gain weight at all, because the food taken is totally consumed and does not get stored.


To gain weight; a person with an ectomorph body type needs to take high calorie diet, rich in carbohydrate and protein and low in fats.

To get a good shape-

The above mentioned diet is coupled with strength training, especially compound exercises 3 times a week, shows very good results in mass gain.

Mesomorph –


This body type has a large bony structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic physique. Due to optimum metabolic rate it can easily gain or lose weight.


This body type respond very well to weight training, gains muscle very quick. The only downside is that they gain weight easily then ectomorphs so caloric intake must be in check.

To get a good shape:-

Person with mesomorph body type should take high protein diet with moderate carb and healthy fat. Diet should be coupled with resistance or weight training. Isolated exercises, i.e. targeting one muscle group; are more beneficial and works better.

This brief idea about your body will certainly help you to choose a better plan, as who don’t want a fit muscular body, according to your body type choose your lifestyle and stay fit.


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